Have You Been a Victim of Revenge Porn?
Revenge porn is when someone shares sexually explicit images or videos of another person without their consent, whether it be online or offline, with the aim of causing distress or harm. Revenge porn can fall under Cyber Crime and convictions can fall under various acts depending on age and content of the material. If found guilty, the suspect could be imposed to serve 2 years' imprisonment. With the development of technology such as mobile camera technology and digital media the sharing of sexual messages has become the norm. However, once the video has been sent the sender no longer has control of the image or video and this can then be shared on all forms of social media, reaching potentially millions of viewers. Since April recent legislation changes has made revenge porn a specific criminal offence that means that offenders caught sharing revenge porn images online can face prosecution and land up to convicted a maximum of 2 years in prison. Here are five things that ...